12. Pulling Back The Curtain On The Realities of 6 & 7 Figure Launches With Portia Jackson
Behind Their Business
12. Pulling Back The Curtain On The Realities of 6 & 7 Figure Launches With Portia Jackson
December 13, 2021
Have you done the necessary work to believe you’re worthy of success and to better manage your time as an online entrepreneur? To become a successful and fulfilled entrepreneur, a lot of mindset shifts and are necessary. In this episode, you'll meet Portia Jackson, a financial life coach, and a former ads manager for some of the top names in the coaching industry. She helps financial professionals generate client opportunities online using her signature 3C Framework (connections, conversations, and conversions). Portia explains to us how she manages her time between being a successful entrepreneur and a mom of 3 with a special needs child. Listen in to learn the importance of believing you’re worthy as a business owner to have more success and allow yourself to stay in it. You will also learn the importance of doing mindset work at the beginning stages of your business to make the journey to success easier.
Have you done the necessary work to believe you’re worthy of success and to better manage your time as an online entrepreneur? To become a successful and fulfilled entrepreneur, a lot of mindset shifts and are necessary.
In this episode, you'll meet Portia Jackson, a financial life coach, and a former ads manager for some of the top names in the coaching industry. She helps financial professionals generate client opportunities online using her signature 3C Framework (connections, conversations, and conversions). 

Portia explains to us how she manages her time between being a successful entrepreneur and a mom of 3 with a special needs child.

Listen in to learn the importance of believing you’re worthy as a business owner to have more success and allow yourself to stay in it. You will also learn the importance of doing mindset work at the beginning stages of your business to make the journey to success easier.

What You Will Learn in This Episode: