23. Bringing Back a Lost Art Form with Tricia Clark
Behind Their Business
23. Bringing Back a Lost Art Form with Tricia Clark
February 28, 2022
Have you ever set unrealistic expectations when thinking about planning your weekly meals while trying to run a business? What happens when we overcommit or try to plan too many meals in our week? Is there a way to bring back the lost art form of sitting down for a family meal and freeing up additional time to relax after a long day? Listen to Tricia Clark discuss the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves as women and business owners and how we can give ourselves the grace to realistically manage our time and meals.
Have you ever set unrealistic expectations when thinking about planning your weekly meals while trying to run a business? 

What happens when we overcommit or try to plan too many meals in our week? Is there a way to bring back the lost art form of sitting down for a family meal and freeing up additional time to relax after a long day?

Listen to Tricia Clark discuss the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves as women and business owners and how we can give ourselves the grace to realistically manage our time and meals.

A few of the key points that are discussed include: